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Writing for Alaska Business

Alaska Business is written, edited, and published for Alaskan, US, and international audiences interested in the business affairs of the 49th State. Our goal is to provide a thorough and objective analysis of the issues and trends affecting Alaska’s businesses and to feature stories on the individuals, organizations, and companies that shape the Alaska economy. Alaska Business emphasizes the importance of all enterprise and stresses a statewide approach to business coverage.

Our Content

Alaska Business publishes informative articles on everything from entrepreneurs to heavy industry. Our content resonates with all things Alaska business, including all of Alaska’s major industries. Our reach extends beyond the businessperson to include visitors to our state and the general public. 

We have special sections every month emphasizing a certain segment of the economy, such as Construction in March and Natural Resource Development in November. Additionally, in April we publish the Corporate 100 (companies ranked by number of Alaska employees), in July we published the Best of Alaska Business awards (our readers vote on their favorite businesses), and in October we publish the Top 49ers (Alaskan-owned companies ranked by gross revenue).

Our content is written by our talented in-house editorial staff as well as freelance writers; we are always open to featuring talented writers who are invested in Alaska and the businesses that form the foundation of our economy.

How to Get Started

For those who’d like to freelance for Alaska Business, contact Managing Editor Tasha Anderson; interested parties must submit a resume and three writing clips or samples that are not self published or from blogs. The resume and samples should be attached as .doc, .docx, or .rtf files.

While we consider pitches, generally our freelance writers are given assignments. Articles are assigned at least one month in advance of the story’s deadline.

We purchase all rights to articles, allowing us the option to make reprints of articles, republish them in special ABM editions (such as an anniversary edition), or use them on our website. Although we purchase all rights, we typically do not deny requests for authors to have the piece republished elsewhere, provided it is published by Alaska Business first.

We also welcome queries from individuals who would like to write columns in their field of expertise as a guest author or contributor. Please email a short bio detailing your area of expertise as well as a brief summary of the article you’d like to submit.

Alaska Business Magazine March 2025 cover
In This Issue
Arctic Development + Infrastructure
March 2025
Our March 2025 issue looks north at current, ongoing, and potential development in the Arctic. While many of the projects and initiatives will help build and diversify Alaska’s economy, happenings there are also drawing national attention to Arctic resources and security, spurring the creation of assets like the Ted Stevens Center for Arctic Security Studies. While some infrastructure is located in the Arctic itself, development throughout the state supports local and national goals to ensure Alaska’s communities are safe and strong, which we explore in this issue. Enjoy!