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  6.  | City of Unalaska Inks Power Purchase Agreement for Geothermal Power

City of Unalaska Inks Power Purchase Agreement for Geothermal Power

Sep 3, 2020 | Alaska Native, Energy, Environmental, Government, News

The Makushin Volcano, located near Unalaska, is a world class geothermal resource.

Ounalashka Corp | Chena Power

The Ounalashka Corporation and Chena Power signed a thirty-year power purchase agreement with the City of Unalaska on August 31 for 30MW of geothermal produced electrical energy. In 2019, Ounalashka Corporation and Chena Power formed a Partnership, OCCP, specifically to establish a sustainable alternative geothermal energy project using the nearby Makushin Volcano.
Unalaska is located along the sea lanes of the great circle route connecting North America to Asia. As a result, its Bering Sea location is home to the International Port of Dutch Harbor, recognized also as the top fishing port in the United States.         
In 1981 exploration drilling confirmed a world class geothermal resource on the eastern slopes of Makushin Volcano approximately 13 miles from the City of Unalaska. After the discovery well, prospects looked good for a geothermal power plant for the City displacing fossil fuels. Nonetheless, since 1981 there have been five attempts to advance this project without success. “What makes this different is that we’ve put together a team of Alaskans with a common vision and proven local, national, and international business and technical leadership,” said Chris Salts, CEO of the Ounalashka Corporation. “We know this can be transformational for our community and our future role in the world, and we’re all pulling in the same direction to see it realized.”        
Current Issue

Alaska Business December 2024 Cover

December 2024

The agreement satisfies a key step enabling the Makushin Geothermal Project to proceed to financing and continue to a scheduled commercial operation date in the final quarter of 2023. The capacity of the facility will accommodate all of Unalaska’s current and known potential customer base. The benefits of geothermal offer greatly reduced greenhouse gas emissions, provide the region and its customers energy security, and accelerate the diversity of the communitiy’s economic base.

For more information and updates visit www.alaskageothermal.info

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