Ad Specifications for Print & Digital Ads
Plus Templates and Tutorials
Congratulations, your ad is finally done and approved! The next step is delivering your files to our Production Department. This page is a step-by-step guide on how to double-check and package your files for submission.
Ad Specifications for Print & Digital Ads
Plus Templates and Tutorials
Congratulations, your ad is finally done and approved! The next step is delivering your files to our Production Department. This page is a step-by-step guide on how to double-check and package your files for submission.
Print Ad Template Files
We have created a series of Adobe InDesign templates for our advertisers to use. These templates will ensure ads are sized correctly.
Double Checking Your Document Settings
To double-check your document settings go to File > Document Setup. A screenshot of the Document Setup window is below. To confirm your ad size and additional information on our required file specifications for print, visit the Print Ad Specifications page in our Media Kit.
- Intent is set to Print
- Width and Height match the trim size or ad size in the media kit
- The required Margins for a full-page ad is .625”
- The required Bleeds for a full page is .25”
Double Checking Your Color Space and Resolution
To double-check your Color Space and Resolution go to Window > Links. A list of linked images will appear. Select an image to view it’s Color Space and Resolution. A screenshot of the Links window with an image selected is below.
- Color space is CMYK.
- Effective DPI is a minimum of 300 DPI
If you do not see the color space or the effective/actual ppi in your links panel:
- Select the horizontal lines in the top right corner of the links panel.
- Select panel options.
- Check the boxes for the color space and ppi.
- Select ok.
Responsive Ads
Responsive Ads are only available in the Digital Edition.
Responsive ads are ONLY add-ons and require placement in the print edition. If you have reserved a responsive ad in the digital edition, please submit your responsive ad in a zipped folder with the design file, all images, fonts, and logos. Google fonts should be submitted since this is a digital product. If Google fonts are not submitted, we will replace the fonts with Google Fonts.
Extra Resources
We’ve gathered several videos by industry experts explaining the different settings in greater detail.
If you have specific questions or hurdles, you can call our Art Director at 907.257.2916.
Web Ad Template Files
We have created a series of Adobe InDesign templates for our advertisers to use. These templates will ensure ads are sized correctly.
Double Checking Your Document Settings
- Billboards: All billboard ads require 2 files: 970×250 PX for desktop devices and 300×250 PX for mobile devices.
- Rectangle: 300×250 PX
- File Format:
- Still: PNG or JPG PNG Preferred
- Color space is RGB and resolution 72 DPI
- Animated: GIF or HTML5 for animated 30 seconds long or 3 loops, max load 150 kb
Monitor Newsletter Specs
Monitor Banner Ads
- Size: 600×200 PX
- File Format: PNG
- Resolution: 72 DPI
- Color: RGB
- Note: Provide URL the ad will link to.
Monitor Sponsored Content Guidelines
- Image: 1920×1080 PX
- File Format: PNG
- Headline: 5 to 7 words max
- Article summary: up to 75 words
- Article: Provide URL link or provide 500 to 1,000 words if it should be posted on our site.
- Call to Action: 3 to 5 words
- Call to Action: URL
For Content to be Posted on
- File Format: JPG or PNG
- Resolution: 72 DPI, with 16:9 aspect ratio Width 800 PX min
- Any additional images can be of any dimension Optional
- Client supplies image caption and credit If applicable
Email Newsletter:
- Headline: Supply 5 – 7 words
- Summary: Supply 50 – 75 words Cannot contain HTML, hyperlinks, or special characters (©,™,®, etc.)
For Website Article to be Posted on
- Client supplies minimum 500 words
- .doc or .docx format
- Article CAN include hypertext
- Client must provide links to be used in hypertext
- Client provides clarity of format (and desired subheadings, sections, etc.)
- All content subject to approval of Editorial dept.
- After client approval, no further revisions are accepted
- Content will be marked as “sponsored” in the article
- Client supplies minimum 500 words
For Content to be Housed on Client’s Website
- PNG, 72 DPI or higher
- 500×500 PX min OR 16:9 aspect ratio w/width of 800 PX min
- Headline: Supply 5 – 7 words
- Summary: Supply 50 – 75 words Cannot contain HTML, hyperlinks, or special characters (©,™,®, etc.)
- Call to Action (CTA) Button: “Learn More,” “Read More,” “Click Here,” etc.
Note: All content subject to approval of Editorial dept.
Note: After client approval, no further revisions are accepted.