Join Skeetawk and many other Alaskans for its 2nd Annual Green Christmas Business Mixer & Fundraiser. Skeetawk invites you to represent your company in support of a great cause, a festive evening of food, music, and fun. Plus a special presentation from Skeetawk during dinner.
Attendance is expected to be approximately 350 guests:
❖ Business Owners: Valued Business Partners, Supportive Individuals.
❖ Managers: Employees, Customers, Spouses.
❖ Local Patrons: Skiers, Snowboarders, Mountain-Bikers, Outdoor Enthusiast, Enjoys Great Food, Silent Auction Professional, Alaskan Resident, Out-of-State Visitor.
❖ Ancillary Businesses: Packaging Distributor, Construction/Electrical Contractors, Security Companies, Non-Profits, Non-MRB’s.
❖ Outdoor Year-Round Activity Supporters: EVERYONE
RSVP Attending Options:
(Dinner & Seat at 8-top table) = $100
(2 Dinners & 2 Seats at 8-top table) = $175 ( Save $25 )
(8-Top Table for 8 with a bottle of white & red wine) = $750
( Save $50 )
The Silent Auction – is planned between 5:00 pm – 8:30 pm.
Dinner – will be served by Food/Caterer TBD.
Entertainment – Stand Up Comedy, Live Band and dancing to start at 8:30 pm.
During dinner, hear a presentation from Hatcher Alpine Xperience (HAX) the non-profit that runs Skeetawk.