Message From a Lonely Alaska Island

Message From a Lonely Alaska Island

In 2012, an 85-year-old scientist and his son-in-law pulled a cylinder of muck from a faraway island. They carried it home like a newborn baby, froze it, and mailed it to a researcher across the country.

A Bad Night in a Good Box

A Bad Night in a Good Box

Early in his career, on a wet, windy, foggy night, Guy Tytgat checked into the loneliest hotel in the Aleutians. His room was four feet wide and five feet tall, made of fiberglass, and perched on the lip of a volcanic crater.

Earthquake Adds Missing Piece to Puzzle

Earthquake Adds Missing Piece to Puzzle

Late in the evening of July 21, State Seismologist Michael West heard a text alarm. His phone informed him of a large earthquake beneath the ocean, just south of the Alaska Peninsula, about 60 miles southeast of the village of Sand Point. His first thought was that this—the biggest earthquake on the planet so far in 2020—would cause a devastating tsunami. His second thought was that a longstanding earthquake mystery may have just been solved.