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Alaska Native Heritage Center Promotes Leadership Team

May 13, 2024 | Alaska Native, Right Moves, Tourism

Alaska Native Heritage Center

While celebrating its 25th anniversary this summer, the Alaska Native Heritage Center (ANHC) added some new members to its leadership team.

Elizabeth Uyuruciaq David

Alaska Native Heritage Center

Elizabeth Uyuruciaq David is newly appointed as Finance Director, playing a crucial role in projecting revenue goals. David has more than twenty-five years of experience in finance, most recently as Senior Indigenous Finance Director for First Alaskans Institute. Born and raised in Bethel, David is Yup’ik and tribally enrolled in the Native Village of Kwigillingok. She earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration and accounting from UAF and finished her MBA there, as well. She enjoys summers at fish camp, berry picking, and time on the tundra.

“I am excited to join the board, staff, and community to meet the values, vision, and mission of the Alaska Native Heritage Center,” says David. “The partnership alongside our communities will benefit generations of community, healing, and prosperity. It is an honor to be a part of the work and the commitment to our people, land, and guests.”

Current Issue

Alaska Business March 2025 Cover

March 2025

Kelsey Ciugun Wallace

Alaska Native Heritage Center

ANHC also promoted Kelsey Ciugun Wallace to Vice President of Strategic Advancement and Communications. Wallace was previously Director of Development and Communications, returning to ANHC staff in 2022 after starting her professional experience there as an intern. In her new role, Wallace oversees organizational fund development and communications strategies alongside ANHC President and CEO Emily Edenshaw. Wallace is Yup’ik, originally from Bethel (which ANHC calls by its Central Yup’ik name, Mamterilleq). She obtained her undergraduate degree from UAF in rural development with a concentration in indigenous organizational management and a minor in the Central Yup’ik language (known indigenously as Yugtun).

Gregory Stewart

Alaska Native Heritage Center

Gregory Stewart, previously senior manager of grants, is promoted to Director of Grants, in charge of all grant opportunities to benefit cultural and educational programming at ANHC, including grant applications and compliance. Stewart also develops grant strategies and collaborates with stakeholders to ensure effective carry-through of grant deliverables. Stewart’s background ranges across the fields of law, accounting, media, and hospitality. He has a bachelor’s degree in English and history from State University of New York at Geneseo and a master’s degree in creative publishing and critical journalism from The New School in New York City. Originally from Long Island, New York, he moved to Anchorage in 2019 after a brief internship in the summer of 2018 with the Northern Alaska Environmental Center.

Michelle Maŋiaq Trefon

Alaska Native Heritage Center

Michelle Maŋiaq Trefon is promoted from cultural program manager to Senior Manager of Cultural Programs. In this role, Trefon continues to lead ANHC’s internship program, private tours, school visits, dance performances, and games demonstrations. She serves as a lead culture bearer for ANHC and subject matter expert in Alaska Native history and culture. Her background is Dena’ina, Iñupiaq, Thai, and Laotian, and Trefon was born and raised in Anchorage. She first worked at ANHC at age 14 as a summer intern.

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