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  6.  | Tlingit & Haida Acquires Alaska Seafood Company

Tlingit & Haida Acquires Alaska Seafood Company

Jun 28, 2023 | Alaska Native, Fisheries, News

The Alaska Seafood Company retail location in Juneau.

Tlingit & Haida

A Juneau company that distributes salmon, halibut, black cod, and caviar worldwide is now under tribal ownership. The Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska purchased the Alaska Seafood Company, a retail and wholesale provider in business since 1987.

A Deal in the Can

The Alaska Seafood Company operates a small storefront on Concrete Way in Juneau. It also distributes fresh and frozen seafood, smoked (hot and cold) canned or jarred salmon or black cod, and pet treats to gift shops and big box retailers throughout Alaska and the Northwest. Shoppers can also order products online.

Tlingit & Haida chief development officer Will Ware led the acquisition with the tribal development team. The transaction price was not disclosed.

“We are excited to be adding the Alaska Seafood Company to the family of Tlingit & Haida owned businesses,” says Ware. “This is a business that aligns well with our cultural way of life. We will be looking to expand on custom processing and value-added opportunities, as well as eventually working with tribal citizen-owned fishing operations to market the most amazing seafood in the world.” 

Current Issue

Alaska Business March 2025 Cover

March 2025

Alaska Seafood Company was the first in the state to produce smoked salmon using the retort pouch or “soft can” method of canning. The company cornered the market with this method, which allows for shelf-stable seafood products with no refrigeration necessary.

“This is another solid investment for Tlingit & Haida that not only supports our region’s fishery economy but also enhances our economic sovereignty,” says President Richard (Chalyee Éesh) Peterson. “This acquisition is really about supporting our tribal citizens and communities and providing the highest quality, sustainably harvested Alaskan seafood to those who want to experience the taste of Alaskan seafood.”

Tlingit & Haida has been expanding its commercial holdings lately, closing in March on the purchase of the Driftwood Lodge and Sandpiper Café in the Aak’w Village District near downtown Juneau.

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