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  6.  | UIC Commercial Services Builds New Home for Civil Construction Subsidiaries

UIC Commercial Services Builds New Home for Civil Construction Subsidiaries

May 15, 2024 | Alaska Native, Construction, News

Qayaq Construction produced 200,000 tons of high-quality ballast for the Alaska Railroad Corporation at the Curry quarry north of Talkeetna in 2023.

Qayaq Construction

UIC Commercial Services is consolidating two of its subsidiaries into a new civil construction division. HC Contractors and Qayaq Construction are the components of the newly formed Alaska Civil Construction.

Combined Resources

UIC Commercial Services is a holding line for several subsidiaries of Ukpeaġvik Iñupiat Corporation (UIC), the village corporation for Utqiaġvik. The unit operates a range of companies that provide design, architecture, construction, environmental, oil and gas support, marine transport, and logistics services.

UIC acquired North Pole-based HC Contractors in 2022. The company founded by Bill Hoople in 1993 has focused primarily on Interior projects, with capacity to work anywhere in the state. Hoople continues to serve in a leadership role as chairman of HC Construction Holdings.

Current Issue

Alaska Business March 2025 Cover

March 2025

Alaska Civil Construction is led by Vice President Kodi Long, who also serves as general manager for Qayaq Construction. Since 2020, his leadership efforts have resulted in building a highly skilled and dedicated Qayaq team. Long also serves on the State of Alaska Roads and Highways Advisory Board.

“We’re confident that our combined resources and capabilities will contribute to achieving Alaska’s infrastructure goals,” Long says. “Alaska Civil Construction aims to be a dedicated partner, leveraging our teams, technology, and commitment to every project.”

Both component companies have excellent track records for high-quality work on important Alaska infrastructure. The Qayaq team has earned a stellar reputation for excellent performance on industry, state, and federal contracts. And HC Construction’s recent projects include rehabilitation work on the Alaska Highway, parking lot and taxiway reconstruction at Fairbanks International Airport, and reconstruction of the busy Airport Way/Richardson Highway interchange in Fairbanks.

The sun sets behind Fairbanks International Airport while HC Contractors paves the taxiway in 2023.

HC Contractors

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