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Slivka Joins UA Foundation as CFO

May 25, 2023 | Education, Nonprofits, Right Moves

UA Foundation

The University of Alaska Foundation has a new CFO Alex Slivka brings more than forty years of experience in accounting, finance, and investments to the nonprofit that stewards the UA System’s philanthropic support.

Slivka most recently served as the director of finance operations for Providence St. Joseph Health, the parent network of Providence hospitals. He previously spent twenty-two years at McKinley Capital Management as a portfolio manager and marketing executive and three years as CFO for the Municipality of Anchorage.

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Slivka served on the UA Foundation board of directors since 2015, including two years as board chair, and as a member of the board’s investment committee since 2016, serving for two years as chair.

“Alex brings not only the financial background that a foundation of our size and complexity requires but also the demonstrated commitment to UA system’s three universities,” says UA Foundation president Tod Burnett. “Through skilled management of the UA Foundation’s resources, Alex will make a lasting positive impact on the students the UA system serves.”

Slivka earned his applied baccalaureate degree in economics from Brown University, and he serves as an adjunct professor of finance at UAA.

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“We couldn’t be happier to welcome Alex aboard,” says UA Foundation board chair Laura Bruce. “I am confident that Alex’s expertise and dedication to our mission–seeking, securing, and stewarding philanthropic support for the UA system—will help us achieve our goals.” 

Slivka has also served as an arbitrator for the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and as a board member of the Eyak Permanent Fund Settlement Trust, McKinley Capital 401(k) Savings Plan, and Anchorage Investment Advisory Commission. He has served as a trustee, board member, officer, mentor, and volunteer for numerous nonprofit and community organizations, including Covenant House Alaska, Alaska Community Foundation, and Anchorage School District. 

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