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Railbelt Utilities Engage Brian Hickey for Regional Coordination

Jun 1, 2022 | Energy, Right Moves

 Alaska Sustainable Energy Conference

The five Railbelt utilities—Chugach Electric Association, Golden Valley Electric Association, Homer Electric Association, Matanuska Electric Association, and Seward Electric—and the Alaska Energy Authority have engaged former Chugach executive Brian Hickey as Executive Director of Regional Railbelt Coordination. In this role, Hickey works on cross-utility regional efforts at the state and federal levels.

“The Railbelt utilities are united on a vision for the future that includes energy diversification, resilience, and collaboration for the benefit of Alaskans,” says Tony Izzo, CEO of Matanuska Electric Association. Izzo also chairs the Bradley Project Management Committee, the joint organization overseeing the state-owned Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project near Homer, which is the authority that is formally hiring Hickey. Izzo adds, “We are fortunate to have Mr. Hickey’s leadership and expertise dedicated to helping our group of utilities navigate a joint path through this ever-evolving and increasingly complex industry.”

Hickey is the former chief operating officer at Chugach Electric and brings more than forty years of electric industry experience, working in engineering and operations and executive management. Hickey has a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Montana State University, a master’s degree in global finance from Alaska Pacific University, and a master’s certificate in project management from ESI/George Washington University. Hickey is a graduate of the Robert Kabat school of electric cooperative management. He also serves on the board of Nuvision Federal Credit Union.

“This is an exciting time in the electric industry and the Railbelt,” Hickey says. “State and utility cooperation is more critical than ever as we continue to provide reliable and cost-effective electric service in an increasingly complex environment. I am excited to collaborate with the utilities, the state and other stakeholders to enhance Railbelt grid resiliency and develop a sustainable pathway to increased system resiliency, fuel diversification, and decarbonization.”

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