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  6.  | Corps of Engineers Staffers Strengthen Tribal, Small Business Ties

Corps of Engineers Staffers Strengthen Tribal, Small Business Ties

Dec 7, 2023 | Engineering, Government, Right Moves

US Army Corps of Engineers-Alaska District

The US Army Corps of Engineers-Alaska District has two new people helping to strengthen ties to small businesses and tribal organizations.

US Army Corps of Engineers-Alaska District

Sean O’Donnell assumed duties as Tribal Liaison, advising district leadership on Alaska Native topics pertaining to consultation, policy, and federal trust responsibilities.

Previously, O’Donnell was a regulatory specialist in the district’s Regulatory Division, reviewing Clean Water Act and Rivers and Harbors Act permit applications. With the State of Alaska, he worked as a program coordinator for the Office of Children Services and still assists on a situational basis.

Originally from Chicago, O’Donnell studied wildlife biology at UAF and earned a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. He worked as a parks manager in Clark County, Wisconsin; a wildlife enforcement ranger in Colorado Springs; a US Forest Service program specialist in Michigan; and a ranger at Denali National Park and Preserve while also volunteering as a first responder in Healy.

Current Issue

Alaska Business March 2025 Cover

March 2025

US Army Corps of Engineers-Alaska District

The district’s Small Business Professional is Ryan Zachry, responsible for advising district leadership on matters that affect small businesses, including acquisition planning, source selection, and contract performance. He also advises small businesses concerning acquisition procedures and how to do business with the government.

Zachry previously served as a business opportunity specialist at the US Small Business Administration, Alaska District office since 2018.

While with the US Army 410th Contracting Support Brigade, he served as an acquisitions officer. He also served as an artillery officer with the 1st Armored Division and Third Corps Artillery. Zachry is a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom, awarded the Bronze Star Medal, Distinguished Meritorious Service Medal Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal.

Zachry, originally from Wyoming, graduated from the US Army Command and General Staff College and Army Logistics Management College. He earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing from the University of Wyoming and a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Louisville.

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