Mat-Su Health Foundation and Connect Mat-Su Reopen
The Mat-Su Health Foundation and its community resource network Connect Mat-Su are once again open to the public.
The physical location at 777 N. Crusey St. in Wasilla closed in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but services were still provided via telephone and online. Lower coronavirus case rates in Mat-Su coupled with the availability and effectiveness of vaccines allowed reopening as an important step in making it easier for Mat-Su residents to access the assistance and resources they need to live healthy lives.
The Mat-Su Health Foundation building is open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Some tenants in the building have reopened as well, while others are offering services in alternative ways or requiring appointments. Consumers are advised to check with individual service providers to learn their status.
Mat-Su Health Foundation is the official business name of Valley Hospital Association, which shares ownership in Mat-Su Regional Medical Center. In this capacity, MSHF board members and representatives actively participate in the governance of Mat-Su’s community hospital to protect the community’s interest in this important healthcare institution.