Alaska Youth Orchestras Receives Rasmuson Foundation Grant

Mar 8, 2022 | Media & Arts, News, Nonprofits


A $24,905 grant from the Rasmuson Foundation lets Alaska Youth Orchestras (AYO) pay for new equipment, including percussion instruments and stands.

Fully Functional Ensemble

With this equipment, AYO fully settles in to its new rehearsal home at The Nave, a property of Cook Inlet Housing Authority. Being a fully functional performing ensemble in this space advances AYO’s vision of building a community where music education and performance are valued and shared.

“This is an exciting time for AYO,” says Music Director Bruce Wood. “Our musicians have great energy coming out of the pandemic, and this grant allows us to maximize on this momentum as we build the best possible music education and performance program.”

AYO Executive Director Denise Brown-Chythlook adds, “There’s no doubt that the past two years have been challenging, but AYO’s board, staff, and musicians have worked tirelessly to continue making music and positive change throughout the pandemic. We are better equipped now than ever before in our fifty-seven-year history to meet the needs of our community.”

Current Issue

Alaska Business March 2025 Cover

March 2025

Alaska Youth Orchestras is an umbrella organization that includes the Anchorage Youth Symphony, Symphony School, and Virtual Symphony. These in-person and virtual programs create opportunities for youth musicians in Southcentral Alaska and statewide to improve their musicianship and build confidence through teamwork, applying the principles of success in a fun and professional setting.

Alaska Youth Orchestras held its annual Winter Celebration Concert on February 28. The featured soloist was an AYO alumna, Dr. Christine Harada Li, performing the Bruch Violin Concerto No. 1 with the Anchorage Youth Symphony.

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