Alaska’s distinct environment makes it ripe for scientific research. Being home to a vast array of ice such as permafrost, glaciers, and sea ice makes Alaska an optimal location to learn about the effects of climate change on communities and the businesses operating within the Arctic. The state’s diverse flora and fauna offer researchers and science enthusiasts a multitude of topics to study.
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Endophyte Assisted Remediation
Remediating contaminated soils can take various forms, including an innovative tag team of bacteria and local plants. Intrinsyx Environmental explains the process.
Scientist Hired as Alaska SeaLife Center Executive
The Alaska SeaLife Center hired Brad Ryan, an environmental research scientist and former Haines Borough Manager, as Executive Vice President/Deputy Director.
Alaska Science Forum: Climate Is Changing Fast
Alaska’s Changing Environment 2.0, a publication of the UAF Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy, details rapid, observable climate changes.
Alaska Science Forum: A Rich Career in a Quirky Place That Fit
Studying animals in their natural habitat has made life rich for now-retired scientist and director of UAF’s Institute of Arctic Biology.
Alaska Science Forum: Move Over Hydrocarbons, Here Comes Geologic Hydrogen
Former US Geological Survey director and UAF alumnus Mark Myers describes Alaska as a potential source of hydrogen gas from underground.
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Anchorage Economic Development Corporation
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Associated General Contractors of Alaska
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Crowley Fuels Alaska
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