Small Business
Small businesses make up the majority of business both in Alaska and nationwide. Alaska Business provides coverage of established small businesses as well as offers expert insight into how to improve upon business operations or even get a small business loan with the help of organizations such as the Small Business Administration and Alaska Small Business Development Centers, among others.
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Latest Small Business News
Downtown Palmer Sundries Shop Closing
Created from a desire to be surrounded by beautiful and tasty things, NonEssentials in Palmer is closing after more than twenty years.
ACLT Launching Commercial Kitchen Incubator with $300,000 from KeyBank
A grant from KeyBank helps Anchorage Community Land Trust develop a shared commercial kitchen slated to open next year in the Mountain View neighborhood.
SBA Honors ASCI Federal Services CEO
The US Small Business Administration’s Small Business Person of the Year for Alaska is the co-owner and CEO of ASCI Federal Services, Christine Hopkins.
Alaska SBDC’s AI Resource Program
The Alaska Small Business Development Center is showing how new tech tools can help entrepreneurs through its AI Resource Program, a model being adopted nationwide.
Path to Prosperity Awards $40,000 to Launch and Expand Two Southeast Businesses
A maker of Tlingit regalia and a manufacturer of hydrokinetic turbines each get $20,000 prizes in the Path to Prosperity business plan competition.
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Business Here
Anchorage Economic Development Corporation
& Refining
Associated General Contractors of Alaska
ASRC Energy Remediation
Crowley Fuels Alaska
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