The sales team at Alaska Business Publishing Co. has decades of experience and extensive knowledge about advertising and marketing. We specialize in helping businesses reach key decision-makers in Alaska and building brand identity. In our Marketing ADvice column, we are sharing our knowledge to provide you with tips and ideas that will help you grow your business.
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The Winning Strategy: Combine Print and Digital
“Don’t put all your eggs into one basket,” applies to advertising as much as other aspects of life. It certainly applies to B2B advertising campaigns. For example, reinforcing your print ad campaign with digital ad components amplifies your success.
How To Craft A Compelling Business Profile
WRITTEN BY: CHARLES BELL Scheduling a Business Profile in Alaska Business magazine or a Spotlight Digital Profile on offers businesses an excellent way to enhance their visibility and strengthen their credibility with decision-makers in Alaska.
Transform Like A Boss!
WRITTEN BY: CHRISTINE MERKI Creating an effective ad is more than putting your logo and an image together. You want to captivate Alaska Business readers with your advertising.
Up Your Frequency to Up Your Game!
WRITTEN BY: JANIS PLUME Advertising is a gear with many cogs—an important one is ad frequency. In simple terms frequency is the number of times your ad is seen.
We Publish “Stuff”
WRITTEN BY: CHARLES BELL I know —the headline isn’t very elegant. It is purposely vague because it was written to capture your attention.
Effective B2B Marketing Plans
WRITTEN BY: CHRISTINE MERKI Granted, there is a crushing amount of general information available on how to best execute a B2B marketing strategy.
Telling Your Best Story with a Business Profile
WRITTEN BY: JANIS PLUME As a business owner you want to find the best way to tell the story of your business. It can be a challenge to share your company’s products, services, and capabilities with existing and potential customers in a way that is engaging and convinces them that your business is worthy of consideration.
Celebrating 40 Years of Excellence Alaska Business Magazine
WRITTEN BY: CHARLES BELL Next year marks a significant milestone for Alaska Business magazine as we celebrate our 40th anniversary.
How to Maximize Marketing Impact on a Limited Budget
WRITTEN BY: CHRISTINE MERKI Maximizing your marketing impact with limited resources doesn’t have to equate to compromising your message’s potency.