Telling Your Best Story with a Business Profile

Sep 19, 2024 | Marketing ADvice


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Janis Plume

By Janis Plume, Sr. Account Manager, Alaska Business

As a business owner you want to find the best way to tell the story of your business. It can be a challenge to share your company’s products, services, and capabilities with existing and potential customers in a way that is engaging and convinces them that your business is worthy of consideration. While display ads are effective at presenting your brand in an eye-catching way, there usually isn’t a lot of room for an informative, persuasive message. Depending on ad size, you’ll have space for three to five lines of well-honed copy—a smaller ad might may necessitate a few bullet points.

An effective way to reinforce your branding is through a long form advertorial. According to the marketing experts at Intuit Mailchimp, advertorials have distinct benefits:

  • Increased Credibility. With a format that resembles editorial content, an advertorial can help build trust and credibility with the target audience. It’s both beneficial and necessary to state that the story is “Paid Advertising” or “Sponsored Content.”
  • Increased Engagement. By sharing valuable information and educating readers, advertorials can establish a relationship with the target audience. Reading a story about your company prompts the reader to consider how your business might benefit them or their business.
  • Long-Term Impact. Advertorials are designed to have a long-lasting effect. Readers tend to spend more time reading sponsored content and return to the story repeatedly, resulting in better information retention.

A Business Profile placed in Alaska Business offers you an effective way to tell the story of your business. We arrange for a professional freelance writer to learn more about and craft the story of your business while you retain complete control of what’s ultimately published. A Business Profile also includes a professional photo session for businesses in the Anchorage and Fairbanks areas. Your Business Profile is published in the issue of your choice (both print and digital editions), and you own the rights to use the Business Profile text or photography in your other marketing materials. In addition to 100 printed copies, we also provide you with a framed printout of your Business Profile to enhance the decor of your business.

If you would like to expand on your current advertising with a Business Profile in Alaska Business, drop me a line or give me a call. Let’s talk further about how your business can benefit from an advertorial approach through a Business Profile. We’ve been telling the good stories about businesses in Alaska for almost 40 years and want to help tell yours.

For more marketing advice contact the Alaska Business marketing professionals at 907-276-4373

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