Transform Like A Boss!

Jan 3, 2025 | Marketing ADvice


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christine merki

By Christine Merki, Sr. Account Manager, Alaska Business

Creating an effective ad is more than putting your logo and an image together. You want to captivate Alaska Business readers with your advertising. As we move into a new year, ask yourself: How can my ads connect with my audience?

Here’s the inside scoop:

Harmony and Composition: The first thing to consider is having a balanced ad. Every element must be cohesive, and the ad should not be cluttered. You control what readers see, so make sure to place components thoughtfully in the right place to be attractive and convey meaning. Balance plus clarity equals cohesiveness. Strive for a visual weight from the colors to the objects. Incorporate the design elements so the reader can easily identify where to focus.

Be Bold: The image or images you choose for your ad will become the focal point. They need to be powerful enough to convince readers to lean in a little further, or take a deeper dive, if you will. This is why major companies invest in photoshoots for their magazine ad campaigns—the photo is IMPORTANT! Make sure that, at a glance, you effectively capture the reader’s interest.

Creative Execution: Find a way to present your message in a way that will spark reader curiosity. People are exposed to a lot of ads. Make yours pop!

Make It Timeless: Our magazine can be picked up in various locations—medical offices, business offices, the Chamber of Commerce, various trade shows, and other public places. This is why it pays off to have an ad with evergreen content and design, as readers will still be able to relate to the ad far beyond its original publication date. Stay true to your branding.

If you are ready to start your advertising campaign with Alaska Business, contact me!

For more marketing advice contact the Alaska Business marketing professionals at 907-276-4373

Current Issue

Alaska Business March 2025 Cover

March 2025

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March 2025
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