Truth Well Told – Ethics In Advertising

Jul 30, 2024 | Marketing ADvice


Photo Credit: Olivier Le Moal​ | iStock

Janis Plume

By Janis Plume, Sr. Account Manager, Alaska Business

Good advertising combines visual and written components to present a compelling and persuasive message. If done well, it builds strong credibility for the advertiser and develops trust with the customer. Trust is only built if advertising is done ethically.

Bernbach should know. As a founder and creative director of DDB Worldwide, Bernbach was the advertising executive who pioneered a new way to tell the truth in advertising by using a subtle, low-pressure approach in such famous campaigns as the “Think Small” ad for the Volkswagen Beetle. Bernbach and his creative team capitalized on telling the truth by turning a negative into a positive by proclaiming in an Avis ad that “Avis Tries Harder” because the truth was they were number two behind Hertz. The “We Try Harder” slogan is so strong that Avis still uses it today.

“The most powerful element in advertising is the truth.”

—Bill Bernbach

When working on your company’s advertising, stay truthful when your business aspires to be number one, two, or a rising star in the crowd. Examine closely what your competitors are saying in their ads. Chances are high that they are also telling the truth, so follow suit by examining the strengths that exist in your business that may not have been mentioned by the competition in their ads, and see if you can capitalize on a truth that hasn’t been brought up before. Keep your copy succinct while staying true to the facts; the audience gives little time to evaluate your message to get to the truth. If you need to back up the claims, do so with minimal jargon.

It’s clear that this short essay doesn’t draw on ad industry statistics but rather a historical perspective that we can rely on today. The truth worked well then, and it works today. As I write this, I am reminded of two mantras that I live by: “If you want good self-esteem, then do estimable things,” and the one I say to myself every morning, “Just do the next right thing.”

If you would like to discuss how you can use truthful advertising to your advantage, please email or call me. I guarantee truthful advice.

For more marketing advice contact the Alaska Business marketing professionals at 907-276-4373

Current Issue

Alaska Business September 2024 Cover

September 2024

Alaska Business Magazine September 2024
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Shee Atiká
September 2024
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