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  6.  | CITC Acquires AlaskaNativeHire.com from CIRI

CITC Acquires AlaskaNativeHire.com from CIRI

Aug 27, 2020 | Alaska Native, Monitor, Telecom & Tech

ANCHORAGE – Cook Inlet Tribal Council has acquired AlaskaNativeHire.com from Cook Inlet Region, Inc. (CIRI). The web-based career portal will be managed by Alaska’s People, CITC’s recruiting and workforce development team. Since reorganizing in 2019, CITC’s Alaska’s People has become a go-to resource for Alaska Native and American Indian people ready to find meaningful employment and career development opportunities. Alaska’s People leverages its array of tools and staff to create bridges that take individuals from career-ready to long-term careers.

With the purchase of AlaskaNativeHire.com (ANH), Alaska’s People gains a ready-made tool to support job seekers statewide. As increasing numbers of workers look for new employment opportunities, ANH will provide an online resource allowing job seekers to safely look for employment while accessing virtual assistance from Alaska’s People staff.

“When I came on as director, we immediately started looking at the tools and technology we could leverage to connect job seekers with employers and help them find meaningful employment,” says Nikki Graham, director of Alaska’s People. “With ANH the jobs find you, so I know it will be an essential tool in helping Our People connect with meaningful employment and career development within CITC and in the community.”

Current Issue

Alaska Business March 2025 Cover

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Originally launched by CIRI in 2016, ANH was created as an online forum for Alaska Native people to connect directly with employers looking to fill local hire needs. While the website successfully connected many job seekers and employers, CIRI and CITC leadership concluded that ANH clients would benefit from being connected to CITC’s existing network of employment resources. “CIRI built Alaska Native Hire as part of our mission to promote the well-being of CIRI shareholders,” says CIRI President & CEO Sophie Minich. “By putting a powerful tool like Alaska Native Hire into the hands of an innovative organization like CITC and Alaska’s People, we further that mission by ensuring success for Alaska Native and American Indian job seekers and employers in our state. It is the perfect recipe for our collective success.”

“Strategically ANH aligns perfectly with CITC’s efforts to connect people to their potential,” says CITC President and CEO Gloria O’Neill. “This tool will be a place for job seekers and employers to connect, identify opportunities, and begin a journey together that creates value for both.” ANH will build upon the existing tools Alaska’s People uses to connect people to jobs. Job seekers can create a profile or “virtual resume” that highlights their experience, skills, education, and employment history. Employers can search the database for specific skill sets to fill vacant positions.

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