by Kathryn Mackenzie | Sep 17, 2019 | Alaska Native, Magazine
All together Alaska Native regional corporations reported more than $10.5 billion in revenue last year—revenue that creates opportunities; protects their lands, culture, and resources; and provides investment opportunities for the entire state and, more importantly, their shareholders.
by Brad Joyal | Aug 5, 2019 | Engineering, Environmental, Magazine, Science
No two environmental site assessments are the same. Each project has specific needs unique to its circumstances. That’s where firms like BGES, INC., Environmental Management Inc., and Shannon & Wilson, Inc. come in.
by alaskabusiness | Feb 13, 2019 | Alaska Native, Construction, News, Right Moves
Ahtna, Inc. announced five new hires within its subsidiaries: Nathan Hagar, Martin Molyneux, Justin Dunn, Marty Walker, and Wayne Johnson.