by Vanessa Orr | Aug 29, 2022 | Magazine, Manufacturing
Shipping in the materials needed to build traditional offices, workforce accommodations, repair facilities, and even military installations can be expensive and time consuming, and for this reason, many industries turn to modular facilities.
by Rachael Kvapil | Aug 22, 2022 | Construction, Magazine
Concrete structures can last a lifetime or, in the case of the Roman Pantheon and Colosseum, outlast the culture that built them. Despite its staying power, manufacturers and mix-designers are always looking for ways to improve concrete for enhanced performance and environmental sustainability.
by Steve Edwards | Aug 15, 2022 | Engineering, Environmental, Magazine
Here’s a look at three ways design firms, architects, engineers, and environmental scientists can help businesses think sustainably for the long-term: mining, environmental restoration, and building reuse.
by Amy Newman | Aug 8, 2022 | Magazine, Tourism
On August 7, the City and Borough of Juneau hosted hundreds of competitors in Alaska’s first-ever full-distance Ironman triathlon, considered one of the most grueling single-day sports events in the world.
by alaskabusiness | Aug 1, 2022 | Magazine, Professional Services, Transportation
HOME | Search Results for "saf sol" From Mountain Tops to Ocean Floors, Safe Practices Belong in Every Toolbox Resolve Marine Alaska Many projects and processes have a naturally high potential for injury or damage, but that doesn’t mean an accident is...