ConocoPhillips Alaska’s Nuna Project Produces First Oil
ConocoPhillips Alaska’s Nuna project produced first oil on December 17 and will add wells, on-pad infrastructure, and pipelines that tie to the Kuparuk River Unit.
ConocoPhillips Alaska’s Nuna project produced first oil on December 17 and will add wells, on-pad infrastructure, and pipelines that tie to the Kuparuk River Unit.
ConocoPhillips signed a $300 million purchase agreement for Chevron’s 5 percent interest in the Kuparuk River Unit and 1.2 percent share of Prudhoe Bay.
ConocoPhillips’ Nuna module, delivered to the North Slope’s Kuparuk River Unit, is its first Alaska-made production module in twenty years.
The majority of North Slope infrastructure is financed, constructed, and maintained by private entities to support their oil exploration and production activities. Despite North Slope explorers and operators always having an eye on efficiency, some infrastructure (such as processing facilities) isn’t well suited for sharing among multiple companies. However, other infrastructure does lend itself to common use, such as roads and pipelines.