Providence Alaska Medical Center Tests Virtual Care Model, Announces Hospice Partner
Providence announces new virtual care model for Alaska patients and system-wide partnership aimed at expanding home healthcare options.
Providence announces new virtual care model for Alaska patients and system-wide partnership aimed at expanding home healthcare options.
Governor Mike Dunleavy signed legislation addressing healthcare, timber sales, military affairs, and motor vehicles.
Guest Authors Lincoln Garrick and Marianne Murray share insights on the who, where, and what of the nursing industry in Alaska.
A nearly $3 million grant from the US Department of Labor lets Alaska Pacific University expand its nurse education program over the next five years.
Alaska Pacific University now has the state’s only accredited program for a Licensed Practical Nursing certificate, receiving approval in early May, just after five new nurses graduated in Bethel.
To increase UAA’s capacity to train registered nurses, its College of Health has been awarded $2.1 million from the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Funds.