by Sam Friedman | May 26, 2020 | Magazine, Oil & Gas
The pipeline is still in fundamentally sound shape and has a few maintenance properties that would be remarkable if it was an old car: the pipeline requires a smaller maintenance staff to keep it running than it used to, and it’s gotten safer and less leaky as it has aged.
by Isaac Stone Simonelli | Mar 16, 2019 | Magazine, Oil & Gas
The most daunting task ahead of AGDC is bringing investors on board and proving to the legislature that the pipeline is economically viable.
by Larry Persily | Mar 14, 2019 | Government, Monitor, Oil & Gas
The Alaska Gasline Development Corporation continues answering questions and providing additional information to federal regulators, submitting on March 1 the first of six batches of information it is scheduled to submit through September.
by alaskabusiness | Mar 7, 2019 | Energy, Engineering, Monitor, Oil & Gas
The US Army Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) signed a joint record of decision for the Alaska Stand Alone Pipeline Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement.
by Keith Meyer | Mar 29, 2018 | Arctic, Energy, Oil & Gas
The gasline is a vital component of Alaska’s future and has the ability to transform our economy.