by alaskabusiness | Oct 9, 2024 | Energy, Finance, News, Nonprofits
The Coalition for Green Capital tapped Southeast-based Spruce Root as the first network investment in its nationwide green bank, committing to $10 million to transform energy systems in Native communities.
by alaskabusiness | Oct 16, 2023 | News, Nonprofits, Small Business
Spruce Root, a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering and supporting rural communities, recently announced that it and its Path to Prosperity suite of services won three awards from the International Economic Development Council.
by alaskabusiness | May 18, 2023 | Alaska Native, Energy, Finance, News
Green Banks are a new channel for Alaska entrepreneurs to leverage federal funding for ventures related to clean energy and climate resilience. Spruce Root and the Valdez Native Tribe are both part of a movement to direct billions in public-private capital.
by Scott Rhode | Apr 5, 2023 | Arctic, Energy, Featured, News
Delegates from twenty-two countries converged in Anchorage for Arctic Encounter, a chance for Alaskans to learn how the state’s problems might be solved using models from elsewhere, just as visitors witness the Alaska way of doing things.